school education

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Dive into the world of school education, where knowledge meets creativity and friendships flourish—explore articles that uncover the magic of learning, teaching tips, and the daily adventures of students and educators alike! Whether you're a student, teacher, or just curious, this tag offers insights that make learning fun and engaging.

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Brandon's School in "Ground Zero"

Overview of "Ground Zero" "Ground Zero" by Alan Gratz, published in 2021, is a historical fiction novel that intertwines the stories of Brandon, a nine-year-old boy in New York City on September 11, 2001, and Reshmina, an eleven-year-old girl in Afghanistan in 2019. The narrative explores...


Can Middle School Students Attend College?

Middle school, usually for students aged 11–14, is a time for foundational learning, not college. Typically, colleges require a high school diploma or equivalent, which middle schoolers haven’t earned yet. So, for most, attending college full-time isn’t possible. However, there are exceptions and alternative ways to engage...

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